21 Best Fruit And Vegetable Juices For Healthy And Glowing Skin

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The skin needs proper nutrition to stay healthy, radiant, and youthful. And drinking juices is the quickest way to get all the nutrients. Here, we have discussed everything you need to know about juices for glowing skin. While consuming whole food is crucial, juices are especially beneficial when you are in a hurry.

Fresh fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, and antioxidants that help maintain the skin’s structural integrity and neutralize the free radicals to slow down signs of aging, wrinkles, thin skin, pigmentation, and other issues.

This article explores 21 beneficial juices for your skin, how they work, the recommended daily intake, and more. Read on.

Best Juices For Glowing Skin

How Do Juices Benefit Your Skin And Overall Health?

Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants that keep your body healthy. They strengthen your immunity and help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. When your body receives all the vital nutrients, it shows up on your skin.

However, it is always recommended to eat whole fruits and vegetables. As per experts, during the juicing process, the fruits and vegetables lose dietary fiber, which is important for your body. While studies comparing the benefits of whole foods and juices are inconclusive, researchers recommend consuming whole fruits and vegetables over juices (1).

Considering the busy lifestyles of the modern day, if you are unable to consume enough vegetables and fruits, drinking juices is the best way to stay healthy and make your skin glow.

Note: As per the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the daily calorie intake for a person should be 2000 calories. It should include 2 cups of fruits and 2.5 cups of vegetables. Unless recommended otherwise by your doctor, you can consume 2 cups of fruits (whole or juiced, without peels and pits) and 2.5 cups of vegetables (whole or juiced) (2).

The USDA has a chart of the daily recommendations of fruits (3). According to the chart, the recommended daily intake for average adults is:

Daily Recommendation Age Group Measurement
Women 19-30 years 2 cups
31-50 years 1 ½ cups
51+ years 1 ½ cups
Men 19-30 years 2 cups
31-50 years 2 cups
51+ years 2 cups

The same measurement is applicable for 100% fruit juices (1 cup of whole fruit = 1 cup of 100% fruit juice). The standard measurement of 1 cup (in the US) is 8 fluid ounces (roughly 237 ml).

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