3 Proven Massages For Weight Loss That Really Work

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Weight loss massage is a relaxing way to lose weight and reduce cellulite (1), (2).Research shows that a balanced diet, exercise, and massage designed for weight loss is an effective strategy to lose weight fast (3), (4). Moreover, you will get long-term weight loss benefits. This post tells you how massages work for fat loss and the three scientific ways to massage your body to shed pounds. Read on!

In This Article

Benefits Of Massaging – Does It Work For Weight Loss?


Massage can stimulate weight loss in many ways. Here’s how they work and the benefits you will reap:

  • Reduces Abdominal Fat: Belly fat is a point of concern for many. Thankfully, a study shows that massaging the abdominal area with aromatic oils 5 days a week helps reduce abdominal fat tissue and waist circumference. It was also found to improve body image (1).
  • Increases Blood Circulation: A full body massage helps increase blood circulation (5). This helps to get rid of the toxic waste in your body and improves metabolism.
  • Tones The Muscles: Weight loss massages can help in toning your body, especially the muscles. They can also decrease stiffness and soreness in the muscles (6).
  • Improves Digestive Functions: A healthy gut also helps in weight loss. Massaging helps stimulate gut activity, thereby improving bowel movement, reducing constipation, and decreasing abdominal pain (7), (8).
  • Reduces Stress: Stress leads to toxin build-up in the body, which can lead to metabolic slowdown and overeating. Massaging helps reduce stress and releases “feel good” hormones (9). This helps reduce the production of hunger hormones and prevents excessive eating (10).


  • Improves Sleep Quality: A full-body massage helps relax the muscles. This, in turn, stimulates good-quality sleep. Since sleep deprivation is linked to weight gain, improved sleep quality through massages can help nullify the effects of poor sleep (11).
  • Lower Blood Pressure: High blood pressure due to stress or unhealthy food habits can lead to inflammation and water retention. Deep tissue massage and aromatherapy massage can help lower your high blood pressure (12).

Stylecraze Says Massages complement exercises. A good massage after an exhausting workout can reduce your muscle tension and stiffness and increase your motion range.

It is clear from these benefits of massaging that it directly or indirectly aids weight loss. The question is, which massages are best for weight loss? Scroll down to learn all about the three most effective massages for weight loss.

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3 Effective Massages For Weight Loss Backed By Science

1. Skin Fold And Vacuum Massage For Weight Loss


Cellulite is mainly found in the thighs, hips, and abdominal area. It makes the skin look dimpled. And, getting rid of it can be a task. Thankfully, a skinfold massage can help get rid of cellulite. A vibrating device is used to massage the affected area.

Research shows that a skinfold massage could help smoothen the skin (13). Sixty minutes of vibration massage five times a week also showed promising results in reducing cellulite (14).

Vacuum massage is another non-invasive technique to reduce cellulite. It helps in collagen restructuring, releases tension in the muscles, improves skin elasticity, reduces skinfold thickness, increases collagen, and decreases muscle pain (15). Go to a professional vacuum therapist to do this massage.

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2. Lymphatic Massage For Weight Loss


Lymphatic massage helps in lymphatic drainage, i.e., flushing out extra fluid from the waist, wrist, ankles, and legs. It reduces puffiness and bloating.

A study found that lymphatic drainage massage or manual massage could help reduce thigh and belly fat (16), (17). People who play sports use this massage often to heal injuries (18). For lymphatic massage to be effective for weight loss, you must eliminate unhealthy food from your diet. Get a licensed lymphatic massage therapist to get the massage done on a regular basis.

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3. Aromatherapy Massage For Weight Loss


Aromatherapy massage is a special type of weight loss massage that cuts down the desire to binge eat. It also helps reduce stress. Special aromatic oils made from the extracts of flowers, fruits, leaves, barks, and seeds are used to massage the problem areas or the whole body. One hour of aromatherapy massage with grapefruit oil, cypress oil, and other oils for six weeks was found to help reduce abdominal fat and waist circumference (1).

People who use this massage have often said that they sleep better and have reduced muscle pain. Aromatherapy massage also helps reduce stress and depression (19), (20). This, in turn, can reduce the desire to binge eat or eat nothing at all (which leads to slow metabolism and weight gain) (21), (22).

Did You Know? Research shows that massages, combined with laser light therapy, are more effective in reducing subcutaneous fat and improving cellulite appearance (23).

Infographic: How Does Massaging Help Reduce Weight Loss

Massaging helps improve the functions of your body. It can be one of the best solutions to tone your muscles. And these benefits can ultimately help reduce your weight.

Check out the infographic below to get a simplified idea of how massaging helps reduce weight loss.

Weight loss massages are a great way to reduce excess fat. They can decrease abdominal fat, increase blood circulation, tone the muscles, improve digestive functions, and lower blood pressure. Skinfold massage, lymphatic massage, and aromatherapy massage for weight loss are some effective massage therapies backed by science. However, consult a licensed massage therapist and get the right type of massage for weight loss. They can provide the right guidance to maximize the benefits of massage therapies. Also, regular exercise and eating healthy will help prevent gaining that excess fat back.

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