How To Remove Chickenpox Scars From The Skin

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Chickenpox is a highly contagious viral disease and causes blisters on the skin. Scratching them can lead to scarring and skin damage. Chickenpox scars can be bothersome if they are on the face. Keep reading to learn the natural remedies and other treatment options to fade them and improve their appearance.

StyleCraze TriviaThe red spots caused by chickenpox are about 1/5 inch to 2/5 inch wide and look like chickpeas. Hence, it is called chickenpox.

In This Article

What Causes Chickenpox Scars?

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Chickenpox scars are mainly caused by scratching the blisters. This viral disease causes inflammation and fluid-filled blisters on the skin. These blisters heal on their own and flake off as the infection subsides.

However, you may experience extreme itchiness during this period, and most of the patients scratch the blisters to relieve the itching. This can cause a deeper wound at the area, and as the skin heals, you may develop depressed scar tissue. The next section discusses the common types of chickenpox scars.

Types Of Chickenpox Scars

Chickenpox scars are generally atrophic scars. Their common traits are:

  •  They appear indented and depressed.
  •  They are round (5-10mm diameter)

Hypertrophic (raised) scars and keloids are uncommon after chickenpox. Atrophic scars are caused when the skin cannot produce enough collagen to cover the depressed area. As a result, the skin looks pitted and rough. Here is what you can do to improve its appearance and fade chickenpox scars.

How To Get Rid Of Chickenpox Scars: Natural Remedies And Medical Treatments

Home Remedies For Chickenpox Scars

These remedies may not fade old scars. However, if you are recovering from chickenpox, they may help in proper wound care and prevent scarring.

1. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera can reduce inflammation, promote proper wound healing, and reduce scar tissue size (1). It can also soothe the skin and relieve itching. You can massage the affected area with fresh aloe vera gel and leave it on overnight.

Related: 12 Aloe Vera Face Packs For Different Skin Types

2. Shea Butter

Shea butter is a popular remedy to reduce keloid scars after a surgical procedure (2). It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and moisturizes the skin. Massaging the affected area with shea butter can keep the area hydrated, maintain its elasticity, reduce itching, and prevent scarring.

Related: 28 Best Shea Butter Benefits For Skin, Hair And Health

3. Rosehip Seed Oil

The antioxidants and the phytochemicals present in rosehip seed oil make it an excellent choice for scar management (3). It can reduce skin dryness and help improve the appearance of scars. You can massage the affected area with rosehip seed oil regularly to achieve the desired results.

Over-The-Counter Treatments

1. Retinoic Acid

This vitamin A derivative boosts collagen production and is widely used to minimize wrinkles and fine lines. When used with glycolic acid, it can effectively reduce scars (4).

2. Chemical Peels

OTC chemical peels containing glycolic acid can help improve skin texture. It sloughs away the dead skin cells, promotes cell regeneration, and fades scars. Doctors may use medium-deep or deep chemical peels, depending on the scar severity (5). However, consult a doctor before using OTC chemical peels and follow the instructions mentioned in the package. Else, they may irritate the skin, cause chemical burns, and worsen the skin.

Related: How To Do A Chemical Peel At Home – What You Need To Know

3. Scar Removal Creams

These formulations contain an assortment of ingredients that can reduce the appearance of scars and fade them. You can also seek your dermatologist’s advice on what cream to use for chickenpox scars.

4. Silicone Sheets

Silicone sheets are primarily used to treat keloids and hypertrophic scars. They hydrate the skin tissues to shrink and flatten scars to promote healing and subsequent fading (6).

Professional And Medical Treatment

Older scars are tough to fade and may require medical treatment. Here are a few treatments that the dermatologist may suggest:

1. Laser Resurfacing


In this treatment, lasers of specific wavelengths are used to boost collagen production in the affected area and fade the scars. This is performed by a trained professional and is minimally invasive. However, you may have to go for multiple sessions.

2. Microneedling


Microneedling is a process where the skin is punctured with needles to create micro-injuries. This tricks the skin to produce collagen to heal the injury, which helps minimize the appearance of the scars. This treatment is performed by trained professionals using needles of varying thickness, depending on the scar depth. You can also buy at-home microneedling devices. However, doing it at home can injure your skin and worsen the scars.

StyleCraze TriviaMicroneedling was first used in the year 1995 by Dr. Desmond Fernandes to treat scars and wrinkles.Related: Microneedling Aftercare: Dos & Don’ts, Side Effects, & Treatment

3. Microdermabrasion


Microdermabrasion can help fade chickenpox scars by sanding away the epidermis using a crystal tip device that rotates at high speed. Sloughing away the topmost layer promotes cell regeneration and improves the skin texture.

4. Chemical Peels

Chemical peels exfoliate the skin, promote skin regeneration, and fade the scars. The in-office chemical peeling uses medical-grade solutions that give better results than the at-home OTC peels. The downtime and recovery depend on whether you opt for a light, medium, or deep peel.

5. Dermal Fillers


Fillers can reshape the depressed and sunken scars. Dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid and healthy fats, which are injected under the scar tissues to reduce the indentation. However, this treatment only lasts six months.

6. Punch Excision

This treatment is recommended for deep, severe, pitted, or sunken scars. In this treatment, the dermatologist will numb your skin and use a punching tool to remove the scar surgically and stitch the skin.


Taking care of the blisters during the recovery phase can reduce the risk of scarring. Here is what you have to do to avoid chickenpox scars.

How To Prevent Scarring From Chickenpox

  •  Avoid scratching or picking the dried blisters. Do not remove the flakes forcefully.
  • Always use the prescribed antibiotic to prevent secondary infection.
  •  Keep the chickenpox blisters moisturized to alleviate itching.
  •  Prepare an oatmeal bath and soak in it to soothe your skin.
  •  Wear sunscreen to prevent UV damage and further collagen degradation.
  •  Consult the doctor and take oral antihistamines to relieve the itching. However, avoid using topical antihistamines.
  •  Use moisturizing creams and products that contain natural ingredients like aloe vera, cocoa butter, argan oil, and coconut oil to soothe the skin and prevent scarring.

Chickenpox often leaves behind scars that may take time to fade. Therefore, proper wound healing and management are crucial to preventing chickenpox scars. Avoid picking at the dry blisters. If they itch, use moisturizing ingredients like aloe vera gel and shea butter to soothe the blisters and prevent itching and dryness. This will prevent further wounds and deep scars. However, if you have old scars, you must consult a dermatologist and opt for skin treatments to fade them. While it is impossible to get rid of the scars, these treatments may help fade them and make them less noticeable.

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