15 Best Low-Sugar Fruits & Vegetables For Low-Carb Diets

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Vegetables and fruits are a crucial part of a healthy diet. But the natural sugar content in some fruits may not be suitable for some people. Here is where sugar-free fruits come into the light. All fruits and vegetables have some natural sugar content (1). In the article, we have listed 15 fruits low in sugar content. They have a decent amount of fiber and water to meet your nutritional needs. Keep reading to know more about them and how you can include them in your diet.

In This Article

15 Best Low-Sugar Fruits & Vegetables For Low-Carb Diets

Low-Sugar Fruits

1. Apple


Apples are highly nutritious. A medium-sized (182 g) apple contains 19 g of sugar, 25 g of carbs, and 5 g of fiber (2). The phytochemicals in apples support weight management, are diabetes-friendly, and aid in improving bone, pulmonaryXIt refers to the health of our lungs which depends on our lifestyle. It is important to maintain it to prevent diseases like asthma. , and gastrointestinal health (3). Snack on an apple or add it to porridge for a healthy breakfast.

Related: 5-Day Apple Diet For Weight Loss

2. Strawberries

Like any other berries, strawberries are low in sugar and high in fiber content. One cup of whole strawberries (144 g) contains only 7 g of sugar and 3 g of fiber (4). Strawberries are loaded with vitamin C (an antioxidant) and minerals like potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium(4). You can consume strawberries in salads, smoothies, as wheat pancake topping, and with oatmeal.

Related: 16 Strawberries Benefits, Nutrition, Recipe And Side Effects

3. Watermelon

Watermelon is loaded with water, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. A cup of watermelon (154 g) contains only 9.55 g of sugar and 141 g of water. It is also loaded with vitamin A, vitamin C, lycopene, folate, choline, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus (5). It is good for weight management as it improves satiety and reduces BMI and blood pressure (6).

Note: Though watermelon has a high glycemic indexXA rating system of foods (0-100) that are high in carbohydrates and affect our blood glucose levels. , it has a low glycemic load due to its low carbohydrate content (7). However, if you have diabetes, it is best you avoid or consume watermelon in limited quantities (8).

4. Orange


A large orange (184 g) contains 17 g of sugar, 4.42 g of dietary fiber, and 160 g of water (9). Like other citrus fruits, oranges are loaded with vitamin C and have antioxidant properties (10). They are also rich in vitamin A, beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, calcium, folate, magnesium, and potassium (9). Drink freshly pressed orange juice with pulp, enjoy a whole orange, or add it to salads to reap its health benefits.

5. Blackberries

Blackberries have the lowest sugar content among all the berries. A serving size of 100 g of blackberries contains only 5 g of sugar, 5 g of fiber, and 10 g of total carbohydrates (11).

Blackberries have been found to increase fat oxidation and improve insulin sensitivity in overweight and obese men. They also have an anti-diabetic effect (12). Snack on a cup of blackberries, or add them to smoothies or a cup of oatmeal.

6. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is a great low-sugar, high-water fruit perfect for your breakfast. A serving size of 100 g of grapefruit contains just 7 g of sugar. It is also loaded with vitamin C, a potent antioxidant (13). Enjoy a juicy grapefruit first thing in the morning to quench your thirst, or in the evening as a healthy snack option.

7. Cantaloupe

Melons have always been popular as low-sugar fruits that are good for a low-carb diet. A serving size of 100 g of cantaloupe provides 1 g of fiber and just 8 g of sugar (14). You can enjoy diced cantaloupe alone or make a cantaloupe salad with mint to give it a fresh touch.

Stylecraze SaysChoose a ripe cantaloupe to add to your salad or smoothie. Ensure that you look for a heavy, symmetrical and creamy, yellow or light orange cantaloupe with a sweet smell.

8. Avocado

Avocado is christened a “complete food” by nutritionists across the globe due to its high fiber, antioxidant, and healthy fat content. Not to mention that it is another low-sugar and low-carb fruit. A 100 g of avocado contains a negligible 0.66 g of sugar along with 6.7 g of fiber and just 8.53 g of carbohydrates. It contains vitamins C, E, and A. Trace amounts of folate, copper, and protein are also found in this nutty, buttery fruit (15). You can make avocado toast, smoothie, salad, or even ice cream to savor a delicious fruit without consuming too many carbs.

Related: Best Avocado Diet For Weight Loss

Low-Sugar Vegetables

1. Cucumber


Cucumber is a refreshing and nutritious vegetable that is often used in salads. It is extremely low in sugar and high in water. A serving size of 100 g of cucumber contains only 2 g of sugar with 95 g of water (16). Add some slices of cucumber to your salad bowl and top it with some nuts and seeds to enjoy a low-sugar dish that will keep you satisfied long after eating.

2. Asparagus

Asparagus is a spring vegetable that contains a negligible amount of fat and virtually no sugar. It also contains many other important nutrients that are quite beneficial for the body. A serving size of 100 g of asparagus contains only 2 g of fiber and 2 g of sugar along with 0.1 g of fat (17).

Although asparagus is primarily used as a diureticXA pill that increases the production of urine to get rid of excess water in the body and lower the blood pressure. , it can also promote a faster metabolism (18). Roast asparagus with some olive oil for a delicious side dish or add to soups or salads for extra nutrition.

3. Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg lettuce is the most popular low-calorie and low-sugar vegetable used in salads to provide satiety. A serving size of 100 g of iceberg lettuce contains 96 g of water along with 1 g fiber and just 2 g sugar (19). Combine iceberg lettuce with other vegetables to make a low-carb salad bowl or use a lettuce leaf as a low-carb alternative to wraps for sandwiches.

4. Broccoli


Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that is low in sugar and perfect for any kind of diet, including the low-carb diets. A serving size of 100 g of broccoli contains 3 g of fiber and 2 g of sugar (20). Broccoli also contains vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and potassium (20). Blanch the broccoli florets and add them to curries or salads. Or you can also sauté them and enjoy over whole grains like quinoa or brown rice for a wholesome meal.

Related: 21 Benefits Of Broccoli, Nutrition, Recipes, & Side Effects

5. Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are one of the healthiest low-sugar vegetable options and are used in many salad recipes. A serving size of 100 g of Brussels sprouts contain just 2 g of sugar and 4 g of fiber (21).

Brussels sprouts taste delicious tossed in olive oil and roasted, or shaved Brussels sprouts make a great base for slaws and salads. This vegetable is infamous for its bitter taste, which is not always popular, especially among kids. However, if you have diabetes and are looking for a low-sugar vegetable, it is one of the healthiest options on this list (22).

6. Cabbage

Cabbage is another low-fat, low-sugar vegetable that you can indulge in any time and in any form. A serving size of 100 g of cabbage contains 6 g of carbs, 3 g of fiber, and 3 g of sugar that is mainly glucose and fructose (23).

Cabbage is rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, and K. It also contains minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and sodium (23).

Stylecraze SaysYou can add cabbage to your favorite salad, stew, soup, pasta, noodles, sandwich, slaw, or curry.

7. Spinach


This low-sugar, high-water content leafy vegetable is an excellent option to curb your appetite. A serving size of 100 g of spinach contains almost negligible amount of sugar and 91 g of water (24). You can add blanched spinach to your salad, serve raw in salads or blended in smoothies, or steam and serve with roasted or grilled fish or chicken.

Infographic: Low-Sugar Fruits And Vegetables

Many fruits and vegetables contain natural sugar that is not suitable for everyone. While we have covered the fruits and vegetables with low-sugar values in the article, we’d like to highlight some of the easily available ones that you can add to your diet.
Check out the infographic below to learn more in detail about some low-sugar fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables contain essential nutrients that can help improve your overall health. These food sources naturally contain sugar. Some fruits and vegetables are very rich in sugar, so eating them regularly is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, eating low-sugar fruits and vegetables is the best choice if you want to reduce your sugar intake. Apples, strawberries, watermelon, orange, cucumber, asparagus, iceberg lettuce, broccoli, spinach, and cabbage are some low-sugar fruits and vegetables. Include these low-sugar foods in your diet and enjoy their benefits!

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