14 Home Remedies For Loss Of Taste And Smell + Prevention

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If you have got a cold or a cough, there is a possibility that you may also experience a loss of taste and smell. Based on the severity of your condition, it could be a partial or complete loss. Loss of taste and smell is also a typical problem among the elderly healing from terrible illnesses like cancer.

A variety of medical problems can cause a loss of taste and smell. This article will look at what causes it, what alternative treatments you have, and how natural treatments can help you control the symptoms. Continue reading.

In This Article

How Do Smell And Taste Work?

Your senses of smell and taste are often connected. However, as you age, these senses can change, and you may experience a change or even loss of smell and taste (1).

The senses of smell and taste are a part of the chemosensory system. The ability to smell things around you comes from special sensory cells called the olfactory sensory neurons. These are found within the olfactory bulb inside the nose.

Each of these olfactory neurons has an odor receptor that is stimulated by microscopic molecules released by the substances around us. Smells reach the olfactory receptors via two pathways. The first is through the nostrils, and the second is via a channel that connects the roof of the throat to the nose. The aroma from food releases aromas through the second channel.

The ability to taste is also referred to as gustatory perception. The tongue has about 2,000 to 5,000 chemical receptors on its surface. These are also more commonly called taste buds.

The five major tastes that are perceived by your taste buds are sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami. You can perceive taste when water-soluble chemicals in your mouth come in contact with your taste buds (2).

The brain receives signals from the tongue and processes them into distinct tastes. The sense of taste can also be linked to other senses, like the sense of smell and brain functions.

StyleCraze Trivia In evolutionary terms, the sense of smell is one of the oldest senses, enabling organisms with receptors for odorants to identify food, potential mates, and dangers.

In the next section, we will discuss some major factors that may cause a loss of taste and smell.

What Causes The Loss Of Taste And Smell?

As we have already mentioned, your sense of smell and taste are correlated. In fact, when you sense a loss in taste, it could actually be a result of impairment in the sense of smell.

Conditions like hyposmia, anosmia, parosmia, and phantosmia can cause impairment in perceiving smells. Similarly, some common taste disorders are ageusia, hypogeusia, dysgeusia, parageusia, and hypergeusia (3).

Both smell and taste disorders are often the results of similar conditions or factors. Loss of smell and taste can be triggered by sinus, respiratory conditions, aging, head trauma, dental issues like oral infection, placement of dental appliances (like dentures), and Bell’s palsy (4).

If your senses of smell and taste seem to have been impaired, it is best to get diagnosed to determine the underlying cause of your condition.

Diagnosis Of Loss Of Taste And Smell

Both smell and taste disorders are often diagnosed by an ENT specialist or otolaryngologist. Your doctor may test for the lowest concentration of taste that you can sense and odor you can smell. You may be asked to taste different substances of varying concentrations for the same.

You may also be asked to take a simple ‘sip, spit, and rinse’ test. Your doctor might conduct a physical examination of your ears, nose, or throat.

Once your condition is diagnosed accurately, the doctor will suggest the appropriate mode of treatment.

Medical Treatment Options

The method of treatment depends on the severity of symptoms, age, and general health. The treatment options may include:

  • If some medication is causing this condition, you will be asked to discontinue or stop taking it.
  • Zinc deficiency can hamper your sense of taste and smell (5). Zinc can help stimulate food intake by triggering the hypothalamus to enhance the sense of taste.
  • Quitting smoking can help regain a sense of taste over time.

StyleCraze Says Other treatments for loss of sense of taste and smell include addressing the underlying health issue and surgical intervention to remove any obstruction that is causing the disorder.

If you are looking for natural alternatives to your problem, the home remedies listed below might help.

Home Remedies For Loss Of Taste And Smell

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