Stretch Marks In Teenagers – How They Develop And How To Treat Them

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Stretch marks in teenagers are as common, if not more, as in adults. The huge transformation in teenagers’ bodies after puberty can leave stretch marks on their thighs, shoulders, stomach, chest, and other areas.

However, these stretch marks are not harmful and can be reduced by using home remedies and medical treatments. They may also fade away on their own after some time. In this article, we explain everything related to stretch marks in teenagers and how to manage them. Continue reading to know more.

In This Article

Is It Normal For Teens To Get Stretch Marks?

Yes, it is absolutely normal for teenagers to develop stretch marks.

About 40% of adolescent males, especially those who actively participate in sports, and 70% of adolescent females develop stretch marks (1).

When the teens hit puberty, there are hormonal changes in the body. During this time, teenagers may experience a sudden growth spurt and may see stretch marks develop on their body parts. Teenagers may usually see stretch marks in these regions:

  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Breasts
  • Abdomen
  • Lower and upper back (including the shoulders)
  • Upper arms
  • Knees and legs (sometimes)

If you are wondering how teenagers develop stretch marks, here’s your answer.

How Do Stretch Marks Develop In Teenagers?

Stretch marks, also known as striae, develop when the skin experiences rapid stretching beyond its limit. This causes damage to the collagen and elastin fibres and leads to the development of scars on the affected areas.

During the teenage years, both boys and girls may experience a growth spurt, which stretches the skin and leaves behind stretch marks. Teenagers may also gain or lose weight rapidly, which may also cause stretch marks. Several other factors may also cause stretch marks in teenagers. These are:

  • Taking oral or topical steroid medications (for conditions like Cushing’s syndrome and a few skin disorders like psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, etc.)
  • Obesity
  • Genetic history of stretch marks

Stretch marks are inevitable, and most of the time, there is no way that you can get rid of them. However, if you take enough precautions, you may improve their appearance and make them less noticeable.

How To Prevent And Treat Stretch Marks In Teenagers

If you are looking to fade stretch marks, the first thing you need to do is to take preventive measures. There are ways you can make your skin resilient and prevent intense tearing and severe stretch marks. Here are the things you can do:

Prevention Tips

1. Exercise


Everyone, including teenagers, should exercise regularly. In addition to toning the body, exercising also helps prevent excessive weight gain. This prevents your skin from stretching unnecessarily and inhibits the development stretch marks. In case you develop any, they will not be severe and may become less noticeable with time.

Related: 20 Amazing Benefits Of Physical Exercises For A Healthy Life

2. Stay Hydrated


Keeping yourself hydrated is crucial. Dry skin does not stretch easily and is more vulnerable to damage. This causes the development of stretch marks. Staying hydrated from within ensures your organs, including the skin, stay healthy and function properly.

Related: 15 Simple And Effective Home Remedies To Treat Dehydration

3. Moisturize Regularly


Along with staying hydrated from within, your skin needs additional moisturization from outside. Massage your skin with body lotions and creams to prevent skin dryness. Properly moisturized skin is elastic and stretches easily. This might help prevent stretch marks. You can apply a mixture of glycerin and castor oil. This is one of the best and economical moisturizers that can hydrate the skin for longer.

4. Use Sunscreen


We understand that it is not possible to avoid the sun altogether. However, UV exposure can cause skin damage and worsen your stretch marks. Hence, apply sunscreen, especially on the exposed areas, generously before stepping out.

5. Follow A Balanced Diet


Vitamins and nutrients are crucial for maintaining healthy skin and overall health. They also help keep your weight in check. These factors can help prevent unnecessary skin stretching and the marks caused by it.

Consume fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, dairy and poultry products, and whole grains. Avoid processed foods, aerated water, sodas, and sugary drinks and snacks.

Related: 15 Amazing Benefits Of Healthy Eating On Your Life

6. Use OTC Products

You may use anti-stretch marks OTC products for fading the marks. However, make sure to use them religiously and regularly.

If your stretch marks are severe and not fading with preventive measures and regular moisturizing, consult a dermatologist for proper evaluation and treatment. Usually, the dermatologist may prescribe the following options for treating stretch marks.

Medical Treatment Options

  • Laser Therapy: This works by removing the top layer of your skin and inducing the regeneration of proteins using lasers.
  • Microdermabrasion: This is a process where the top layer of the skin is exfoliated using a handheld device.
  • Microneedling: This process also uses a handheld device with micro-needles, which are used to prick the skin and promote collagen development.
  • Tretinoin And Other Topical Products: These are doctor-prescribed medicines and may help in fading stretch marks.

However, doctors often do not recommend these treatment options for adolescents. This is because adolescents have not grown up completely. The stretch marks they develop during adolescence may fade over time.

Key Takeaways

  • When teenagers hit puberty, they may start getting stretch marks.
  • They may be caused by hormonal changes, genetics, use of topical and oral steroids, and obesity.
  • Exercising regularly, staying hydrated, and moisturizing daily can prevent and treat stretch marks.

Infographic: 6 Effective Ways To Prevent Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are skin lesions that frequently develop during pregnancy, adolescence, or periods of fast weight gain or loss. The collagen and elastin fibers in the skin break when the skin stretches and contracts rapidly, leaving these marks behind. While stretch marks are harmless, some people may feel self-conscious about them. However, you can easily prevent them by making a few changes to your lifestyle. Check out the infographic to learn more.


Stretch marks in teenagers are as common as they are in adults. Stretch marks develop in teenagers when they experience a sudden growth spurt and their skin stretches too much. This results in the damage of collagen and elastin fibers and the development of stretch marks. Other factors such as weight gain, genetics, and medications play a role in creating stretch marks. One can opt for medical treatments such as laser therapy or microdermabrasion to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, and exercising and moisturizing regularly may prevent teenagers from getting stretch marks.

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