Top 5 Benefits Of Coconut Oil Sugar Scrubs And How To Use Them

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DIY coconut oil sugar scrubs are the latest trend in the natural skin care world!

DIY scrubs are popular because they are a cheap and safe way to get rid of skin problems. Simply looking around your house will reveal all of the ingredients you require to care for your skin. Coconut oil and sugar are the two most common items you will find in your kitchen cupboard. When mixed, both the ingredients can hydrate and moisturize your skin, leaving it smooth and supple. Wondering how? Keep reading to discover more!

Did You Know? Ancient Egyptians were among the first people to practice body scrubbing. It was also observed in China during the Qing Dynasty between 1644–1944.

In This Article

Benefits of Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub


Coconut oil and sugar are good for exfoliating not only your face but also the rest of your body. However, if you have oily and acne-prone skin, avoid using coconut oil on your face. It can block your skin pores and aggravate your acne or cause breakouts.

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Now, let’s focus on why you should consider this simple and amazing scrub for your skin care needs.

1. It Keeps Your Skin Hydrated

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer. It is an excellent emollient and extremely beneficial in preventing dry, flaky skin and conditions such as atopic dermatitis (1). Sugar, on the other hand, is a humectant that draws moisture from the environment and keeps your skin hydrated.

2. Coconut Oil Can Kill Harmful Bacteria

Coconut oil has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that can prevent many skin issues caused by bacteria (1).

3. It Is An Effective Exfoliant

Coconut oil and sugar scrub can gently get rid of dead skin cells. Compared to salt, sugar granules are less abrasive. Therefore, they clear out the dirt, stimulate skin cell growth, and remove all traces of makeup from your skin.

4. Coconut Oil Has Antioxidant Properties

Virgin coconut oil contains antioxidants (2). These antioxidants protect your skin from environmental damage and free radicals. They also prevent oxidative stress, which, in turn, prevents cellular breakdown. This reduces the chances of premature aging and keeps your skin youthful and healthy.

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5. Sugar Prevents Ingrown Hair

As mentioned earlier, the coconut oil and sugar scrub can be used on any area of your body. This can be your secret weapon to prevent razor bumps and ingrown hair. Using the scrub on the affected area (where you get the most ingrown hairs) at least thrice a week can prevent the hair from curling up inside your skin.

Who knew that two simple ingredients like coconut and sugar could have these many benefits, right? Let’s check how you can make a simple DIY coconut oil and sugar scrub at home.

DIY Coconut Oil And Sugar Scrub


You Will Need

  • ½ cup virgin coconut oil
  • 1 cup sugar (white or brown, preferably organic and granulated)

Optional ingredients

  • 10 drops lemon essential oil (you may use lavender, vanilla, sweet orange, tea tree, or any other essential oil of your choice)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon (you can also use any other citrus fruit zest, such as orange or grapefruit)


  1. Put the solidified coconut oil in a microwave-proof glass bowl.
  1. Microwave it for 45 seconds or until the oil has completely melted.
  1. Transfer the oil to another glass bowl, add sugar, and mix.
  1. Now, add the essential oil(s) and citrus zest (optional). Combine all the ingredients.
  1. Transfer the mixture to a glass or half pint jar.

Remember, this scrub is preservative-free, so it will not stay fresh for long. Make it in small batches that you can use up within a week or two. Store it in the fridge to keep it fresh. You can use this scrub to massage your face, hands, and other body parts. Here is how you can do that.

Stylecraze Says You can store it in a plastic tub or travel bottle to keep the coconut oil sugar scrub fresh and mess-free.

How To Use Coconut Oil And Sugar Scrub


On Your Face

Note: Don’t add citrus essential oil if you are using the scrub on your face. Citrus essential oil does not suit everyone and may cause a reaction on your skin. Reduce its quantity if you still want to use it.

  • Take a small quantity of the scrub in your hands.
  • Apply it all over your face, except the delicate area around your eyes.
  • Massage for 30-60 seconds in a circular motion.
  • Rinse your face with cold water and pat dry.

On Your Hands

  • Take a bit of the scrub in your hands.
  • Rub it between your palms and spread it all over your hands.
  • Massage your hands and fingernails for a minute.
  • Rinse your hands and pat them dry.

On Your Legs And Feet

  • Soak your legs and feet for a few minutes in warm water to soften the skin.
  • Sit in a comfortable position on the edge of your bathtub or on a small stool.
  • Take some scrub in your hands.
  • Massage it all over your legs. Focus on the areas between your toes and the dry patches. Don’t use it on the soles of your feet. If you do it apply it to your soles, wash them thoroughly with a mild cleanser before standing up to avoid slipping.
  • Rinse your legs and pat them dry.


Note: Be careful while using it on your legs in the bath to avoid any accidents.

Infographic: Tips For Using Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub

The coconut oil sugar scrub is effective in moisturizing, exfoliating, and cleansing the skin. But, coconut oil is highly comedogenic and unsuitable for acne-prone skin, and sugar granules can be harsh on sensitive skin. So, this scrub may not be suitable for everyone.

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Similarly, there are other points you should keep in mind before using this scrub. Check out the infographic below to learn some tips for using a coconut oil sugar scrub.

Why pay for a body scrub when you can prepare your own for pennies? This DIY coconut oil sugar scrub is made with only two ingredients and will leave your skin feeling silky smooth. After using this wonderful scrub, you will see massive improvement in your skin texture. The best thing about this DIY scrub is that you can tailor it to your unique skin needs by adding ingredients like vitamin E oil, cinnamon powder, or oatmeal. So, don’t waste any more time and give your skin a treat with this easy scrub.

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