Aloe Vera For Dark Spots On Your Skin: Does It Work?

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Can you use aloe vera for dark spots on your skin? Aloe vera is a plant that is used extensively in the skincare industry and it is also used quite frequently in home remedies. According to research, aloe vera leaves contain aloin that may be a potential depigmenting agent. Aloin helps in breaking down melanin and leads to the lightening of the skin (1). The study also suggests that further research is needed to prove its clinical use. This article will help you understand more about aloe vera’s role in removing dark spots.

In This Article

What Are Dark Spots?


Hyperpigmentation, otherwise known as dark spots, is a common skin condition. This occurs in all skin types and is more prominent in people with light-colored skin. They are caused due to excessive production of melanin in the skin (2). Dark spots on the skin can also appear due to the photoagingXSkin damage incurred due to prolonged exposure to UV radiation. This causes collagen to break down and lead to premature aging. of skin or old age (3).

Dark spots can occur on any part of the body but are most common over the parts that are exposed to the sun. You can find them on your hand, face, back, and shoulders. Dark spots on your skin are harmless and do not require any treatment. People may choose to remove them for aesthetic and cosmetic reasons.

Stylecraze Trivia Cameron Diaz and Kim Kardashian are some well-known celebrities who have dark spots (hyperpigmentation) on their skin.

So, how does aloe vera help with dark spots? Let’s find out in the upcoming section.

How To Use Aloe Vera To Remove Dark Spots

In order to use aloe vera for dark spots removal, you can apply the fresh gel from the plant or store-bought aloe vera gel. If you want to use fresh gel from the plant, here is how you can extract it:

Process To Extract Aloe Vera Gel

  1. Find a fully grown aloe vera plant and cut 2-3 thick leaves from it. Ensure you cut the leaves from the base of the plant.
  2. The leaves should be green in color and must look fresh. Avoid using leaves if they have mold on them.
  3. Using a scissor or knife, cut off the prickly edges.
  4. Slit the leaves along their edges in such a way that they open up as a flap to reveal the gel.
  5. Using a knife or a spoon, scoop out the gel and transfer it to an airtight container.

Now that you’ve extracted the gel or have got your hands on a store-bought gel, here is how to use it.

Process Of Applying The Gel

  • Wash your face with mild soap and lukewarm water and pat dry with a towel.
  • Apply a thin layer of the gel on the pigmented area and leave it overnight.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water the next morning.
  • Repeat this process till the dark spot disappears.

Since the research on the use of aloe vera for dark spots removal is limited, there is no definite time frame to tell how long it will take for the dark spots to disappear.

Stylecraze Says You may also mix the gel with a few drops of lemon juice and use it for dark spots. However, wash it off after 5-10 minutes.

Apart from removing dark spots, aloe vera also offers many other benefits for the skin.

Other Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Skin

The use of aloe vera in skincare and beauty products can be traced back to the days of queens Cleopatra and Nefertiti. This cactus-like plant can do a lot of good for your skin. Let us find out in detail.

  • Antiseptic Properties

Aloe vera contains antiseptic agents like salicylic acid, lupeol, and nitrogen that help in preventing bacteria and fungi that cause infection. Applying aloe vera gel on small cuts and nick may help in preventing bacterial and fungal infection (4).

  • Moisturizing And Anti-aging Benefits

Aloe vera contains mucopolysaccharides that help in retaining the moisture of the skin. It also helps in stimulating fibroblasts that produce collagen and may help with dry skin. This makes the skin more elastic and less wrinkled, thereby, making it look youthful (4).

Related: 9 Most Common Anti-Aging Treatments To Get Younger Skin

  • Wound Healing Properties

Aloe vera has been used in traditional medicine for centuries to treat wounds and skin conditions. Studies attribute aloe vera’s regenerative properties to the presence of glucomannan which stimulates collagen production. Increased collagen amount in wounded areas is known to promote recovery (5).

  • Anti-inflammatory And Antimicrobial Effects

Aloe vera contains antioxidants, amino acids, and numerous other minerals that give it anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It can also help soothe rashes and allergic reactions caused by poison ivy.  Applying it to sunburnt skin can help relieve some of the pain and burning sensation. Its antimicrobial properties can also help relieve itching in cases of eczema (6).

  • Helps Treat Burns, Blisters, And Rashes

Studies suggest that it can help with the painful sensations caused by burns and blisters on the skin. Applying aloe vera gel may also help reduce the stinging sensation caused by herpes. Aloe vera juice may be effective in alleviating the symptoms of warts, eczemaXA condition that leads to dry, irritated, and itchy skin, usually caused by environmental factors or allergens. , and psoriasisXA skin condition that occurs when the body’s immune system attacks itself and causes the skin to develop patches. (6).

Related: 10 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blood Blisters

  • May Reduce Radiation-Induced Dermatitis

Using aloe vera lotion on the skin prior to cancer radiation therapy may help reduce the intensity of radiation-induced dermatitisXA broad term for various skin irritations that cause rashes, itching, or blisters. It is often triggered by stress and allergens. . A study suggested that the intensity of dermatitis was lower in patients who use aloe vera gel on irradiated areas of the skin (7).

While aloe vera has some great benefits for the skin, it may have a few downsides too. Let us find out in the next section.

Possible Side Effects And Safety Precautions To Be Considered Before Using Aloe Vera

There is very limited research to point out the side effects of aloe vera on the skin. Using aloe vera gel on the skin is generally harmless. In a few rare cases, it may cause skin rashes and may aggravate contact dermatitis (8).

Aloe vera-based cosmetics are not fully regulated by the USFDA. This means that you need to be careful about the products that you are buying. There are chances of buying counterfeit aloe vera gels that may cause adverse reactions. One way to ensure buying genuine aloe vera-based beauty products is to look for the seal of the International Aloe Science Council (IASC).

Using aloe vera for dark spot removal is only one among various remedial options.

What Are The Other Remedies To Treat Dark Spots?

You can choose from two broad categories of remedies to treat dark spots. You could opt for simple cosmetic procedures or you could try a few home remedies.

If you chose to go with cosmetic procedures, here are a few options that are available.

  • Laser treatment


This is a popular choice to remove dark spots. Pulse laser light is used to target and break up the melanin that is causing the dark spot.

  • Cryotherapy

Liquid nitrogen is used to target the dark spots and freeze them. This injures the skin, during recovery the skin lightens and the dark spots disappear.

  • Prescription Creams


Your dermatologist may recommend skin-lightening creams that contain hydroquinone as the active ingredient. Hydroquinone-based creams are considered the standard prescription cream for treating hyperpigmentation. This cream helps in the depigmentation of the skin, causing it to lighten and get rid of dark spots (9).

Related: 3 Ways To Treat Hyperpigmentation And Tips To Prevent It

If you are looking at home remedies as an alternative to cosmetic procedures, you can try the following:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar


Studies suggest that apple cider vinegar may help reduce pigmentation and lighten the skin (10). Here’s how to use it:

  1. Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of water.
  2. Apply to the affected area and leave it on for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Rinse with warm water and repeat every day till you see results.
  • Green Tea Extracts


There is some evidence to suggest that green tea extracts may contain polyphenolic compoundsXNaturally occurring compounds that help improve brain function, aid digestion, and prevent cancer. that may help in depigmentation. However, further research is required to substantiate this (11).

Hyperpigmentation, sometimes known as dark spots, is a frequent but innocuous skin condition. It is more noticeable in those with light skin and results in the appearance of black spots on the skin. Aloe vera is a common remedy for removing dark spots that you can try. Aloin, a pigment found in aloe vera, offers skin-lightening characteristics that can help you get rid of dark spots and even out your skin tone. Aside from aloe vera, you can try some other cosmetic procedures and home remedies to help erase black spots, such as utilizing green tea extracts or apple cider vinegar.

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