Coconut Oil For Scars: An Effective Remedy?

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Scars are very common as they are a part of the body’s natural healing process. They can be caused by injuries, surgeries, burns, skin disorders such as acne, and other types of physical traumas. Since scarring is so common, there is a significant demand for effective therapeutic solutions. People swear by coconut oil for scars as it is believed to reduce the visibility of scars and enhance the skin’s overall appearance. Could this be true? Let ‘s see what we can find out!

StyleCraze Trivia Coconut oil that you can use to treat scars is extracted from the coconut palm fruit’s milk, meat, and wick.

In This Article

Coconut Oil For Scars And Wounds: A Look At Its All-Round Benefits


Coconut oil has a hydrating and moisturizing effect on the skin (particularly dry skin) and is an excellent oil for skin massages (1). Moreover, it can prevent dryness and flaking of the skin. This moisturizing property of coconut oil may help with early scar treatment, especially if the skin is dry and damaged.

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The same research claims that when applied to infected areas, coconut oil forms a chemical layer and protects the infected body part from external dust, air, fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Hence, coconut oil is highly effective on bruises as it can accelerate the healing process of damaged tissues (1).

Another study suggests that coconut oil can boost collagen production and help the skin tissues heal quickly (2). This can encourage new tissue development. Additionally, coconut oil can even out the skin tone and reduce redness caused by scarring. However, more research is warranted in this regard.

The takeaway: According to research, this powerhouse of an ingredient can assist in scar-healing and can be used as a therapeutic agent (3). Data suggests that it could be included as an active ingredient in wound management.

Did You Know? The practice of applying coconut oil to the body has a long history. Indian Ayurvedic medicine from 1500 BC documents its use for skin healing purposes.

How To Treat Scars Using Coconut Oil


You can use coconut oil twice a day – once in the morning and once at night. Start by doing a patch test to see if you are allergic to the oil:

  • Apply a small amount of the product to your forearm.
  • Use a bandage to cover the area.
  • If you do not experience any irritation, redness, or inflammation within 24 hours, you can continue using it.

DIY Recipe Using Coconut Oil For Treating Scars


  1. Heat a few tablespoons of coconut oil to ensure it is liquefied.
  2. Gently massage the oil in circular motions into the scar for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Let the skin absorb the oil for at least sixty minutes.
  4. Repeat this process at least 2 to 4 times a day for the best results.

Pro tip: Coconut oil cannot be a replacement for sunscreen. Make sure to wear an SPF 30 (or higher) sunscreen every day to prevent sun damage and keep your scars from darkening.

When You Should Seek Professional Treatment


Coconut oil is a natural product. But you still should consult your dermatologist before using it (or any other ingredient) to treat your scars at home.

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Do a patch test to see if you are allergic to coconut oil. If you experience any irritation or redness, stop using immediately and seek professional help.

Possible Side Effects And Risks


Coconut oil is generally well-tolerated among people of all age groups and in all skin types. However, some people can experience extreme reactions if they are allergic to coconuts (do a patch test first). Also, extra virgin coconut oil contains high amounts of vitamin E and may cause contact dermatitis when applied to surgical scars (4), (5).

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Scarring is a common issue and occurs during the body’s natural healing process. Although all scars do not completely fade away, you can use home remedies to reduce the appearance of scars. Using coconut oil for scars is one of the most effective ways to get rid of these stubborn scars.

Coconut oil helps boost collagen production and moisturize your skin, reducing scars and improving skin texture. Since there is not enough research to back this claim, you may consult your dermatologist before using this oil for scar treatment. Always do a patch test before you incorporate it into your treatment.

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